(Chapter 4):Greece has set foot on the road of bankruptcy, the euro depreciated, just around the corner.
Europe's financial crisis, whether for a long time to ten years, or as short as one to two years, certainly not satisfactory to clean up.
Leaders of democratic countries, incapable of governing the country, the investors purchased the bonds, his face all the tears, financial institutions suffered large financial losses, all in all, only the debt of the country, eventually able to stay.
If the outcome of the crisis is: the country in debt, stay out, and investors find their own demise. Who is responsible for these mistakes?
We all know that this time the crisis occurs, first started to spread from Greece.
According to data compiled by Bloomberg show: (June 2011) Greece's total debt is 340 billion euros.
German lender holds a total of $ 22.7 billion Greek government bonds;
French individual banks, lending money to companies and people of Greece, the total are $ 54.6 billion
European Central Bank, holding the Greek government bonds, 50 billion euros.
There is other, not set up headquarters in the Greek companies invested 18.2 billion euros of Greek government bonds.
Faced with such huge debts, the Greek Government, by virtue of that ability to repay debts out?
European debt crisis first surfaced, the complexity hidden inside, governments, the officials responsible for financial affairs, did not come up with a responsible attitude to deal with.
As financial markets operator, using the east wall demolition, re-repair the west wall broken.
Application of methods to conceal the fact, the crisis swept into the carpet.
When confronted with a crisis, delaying things resolved, the situation will not only become increasingly difficult, the severity of the case, just like Chinese people often say that the proverb: "A wok cooked." Implication is that all people all lose their lives.
In fact, among the brothers in the European Union, Greece can only be considered as little brother ,Even if he has any financial difficulties, and other big brother, just a little take care of the problem should be solved soon.
Even little brother is sick; the normal reason is that, although little brother was sick, the other big brother should not be affected.
Why, then, little brother is sick, big brothers have appeared to be inadequate, not only money, but also make every effort, still cannot cure?
It now appears that Greece's condition has not improved, but also extends out pathogens, so the other brother, such as: Portugal, Spain, Ireland and other brothers have all got sick.
According to the present situation, France, Italy and other economic powers, are infected with colds, flu and other symptoms, and symptoms become increasingly apparent.
Greece's debts how high?
The answer is: as high as the sky.
If Greece's debt to be converted into cash.
And the cumulative height can reach the moon.
In 2009, the Greek national debt is the gross national product of 113% of GDP.
U.S. Treasury bonds are the gross national product 85% of GDP.
In 2009, Greece in order to cope with financial crisis, the state's economic stimulus measures, led to the burden of more debt.
At that time, Greece at the peak of aging population, health care policy loose, generous retirement benefits, the country's public spending rising.
For example: the Greek people, to retire before the age of 60 can receive full pension.
Greek government fiscal discipline is not good, the year 2000, the country's total deficit, and the actual amount of loss underreporting.
Later, Greece joined the euro economy, the cost of borrowing cheaper, total debt, rising from year to year.
In addition, the Greek economy is not diversified, highly dependent on tourism, trade and transport; financial tsunami coming, a weakening U.S. dollar, the euro strengthened, a severe blow to tourism. Greece's debt burden is only increasing.
Euro-zone economy, go down the current situation, the collapse of the days of the euro area, is imminent.
Some economic analysts said the global economic power, at a later dates, the attention has focused on China.
But I do not think that is correct comments. Because of the financial disaster spread around the world, China's export trade will collapse, China's economic power, can move forward again?
Next Issue:
(Chapter 5) debt crisis in Europe: France and Germany's efforts will effectively solve the problem?
( dì第sì四zhāng章) xī希là臘yǐ已jīng經tà踏shàng上pò破chǎn產lù路shang上, ōu歐
yuán元dà大fú幅biǎn貶zhí值, zhǐ指rì日kě可dài待。
ōu歐zhōu洲fā發shēng生jīn金róng融wēi危jī機, bú不lùn論shí時jiān間cháng長dào到shí
十nián年, huò或shì是duǎn短dào到yí一zhì至 èr二nián年, yí一dìng定bù不kě可néng能
mín民zhǔ主guó國jiā家de的lǐng領dǎo導rén人, zhì治lǐ理guó國jiā家wú無néng能、 gòu購
mǎi買le了guó國zhài債de的tóu投zī資zhě者, liǎn臉shàng上dōu都shì是lèi淚shuǐ水、
jīn金róng融jī機gòu構méng蒙shòu受dà大 é 額jīn金qián錢sǔn損shī失、 zǒng總 ér而yán言
zhī之, zhǐ只yǒu有qiàn欠zhài債de的guó國jiā家, zuì最zhōng終kě可yǐ以zhì置shēn身
jiǎ假rú如wēi危jī機de的jiē結guǒ果shì是: qiàn欠zhài債de的rén人, zhì置shēn身shì事
wài外, tóu投zī資zhě者zì自zhǎo找miè滅wáng亡。
dà大jiā家dōu都zhī知dào道, zhè這yí一cì次wēi危jī機de的fā發shēng生, zuì最xiān先shì
( 2011 nián年6 yuè月) xī希là臘de的zhài債wù務zǒng總 é 額shì是3400 yì億ōu歐yuán元。
dé德guó國dài貸kuǎn款shāng商zǒng總gòng共chí持yǒu有jià價zhí值227 yì億měi美yuán元
fǎ法guó國gè各bié別yín銀háng行, jiè借chū出kuǎn款xiàng項gěi給xī希là臘de的gōng公
sī司hé和rén人mín民, zǒng總 é 額shì是546 yì億ōu歐yuán元。
ōu歐zhōu洲zhōng中yāng央yín銀háng行, chí持yǒu有xī希là臘guó國zhài債, dá達dào到500 yì億
lìng另wài外hái還yǒu有yì一xiē些, zǒng總bù部bìng並fēi非shè設lì立zài在xī希là臘de的
gōng公sī司, tóu投zī資le了182 yì億ōu歐yuán元xī希là臘guó國zhài債。
miàn面duì對rú如cǐ此páng龐dà大de的zhài債wù務, xī希là臘zhèng政fǔ府, píng憑jiè藉
nà那xiē些néng能lì力, bǎ把qiàn欠kuǎn款cháng償huán還chū出lái來?
ōu歐zhōu洲zhài債wù務wēi危jī機zuì最chū初lù露chū出shuǐ水miàn面shí時, nèi內lǐ裡
cáng藏zhe着fù複zá雜xìng性, gè各guó國zhèng政fǔ府, fù負zé責jīn金róng融shì事wù務
de的guān官yuán員, méi沒yǒu有ná拿chū出fù負zé責de的tài態du度yìng應duì對。
zhì至yú於jīn金róng融shì市chǎng場de的yíng營yùn運zhě者, shǐ使yòng用chāi拆huǐ毁
dōng東biān邊de的qiáng牆bì壁, chóng重xīn新xiū修bǔ補xī西biān邊pò破làn爛de的qiáng牆。
shī施yòng用yǐn隱mán瞞shì事shí實de的bàn辦fǎ法, bǎ把wēi危jī機sǎo掃jìn進dì地tǎn毯dǐ底。
dāng當yù遇dào到wēi危jī機shí時, bǎ把shì事qíng情tuō拖yán延jiě解jué決, jú局miàn面
bú不dàn但huì會yuè越lái來yuè越jí棘shǒu手, shì事tài態yán嚴zhòng重de的huà話, zhǐ只
hǎo好xiàng像zhōng中guó國rén人cháng常shuō說de的chéng成yǔ語: 「 yí一huò鑊shú熟」 。
hán含yì意shì是: suǒ所yǒu有de的rén人dōu都péi賠shàng上xìng性mìng命。
qí其shí實zài在ōu歐méng盟de的xiōng兄dì弟zhōng中, xī希là臘zhǐ只suàn算shì是xiǎo小
dì弟dì弟, jiù就suàn算tā他yǒu有shén甚me麼jīng經jì濟kùn困nan難, qí其tā他dà大gē哥
gē哥, zhǐ只xū須shāo稍wéi為zhào照gù顧yí一xià下, wèn問tí題yīng應gāi該hěn很
zòng縱shǐ使xiǎo小dì弟dì弟shēng生bìng病le了, àn按zhào照zhèng正cháng常dào道lǐ理
shuō說, dì弟dì弟suī雖rán然shēng生bìng病le了, qí其tā他gē哥gē哥bù不yīng應huì會
nà那me麼, wèi為shén甚me麼xiǎo小dì弟dì弟shēng生bìng病le了, dà大gē哥gē哥men們
dōu都xiǎn顯de得lì力bù不cóng從xīn心, bú不dàn但chū出qián錢, hái還qīng傾jìn盡xīn心
lì力, dōu都bù不néng能bǎ把bìng病zhì治hǎo好?
xiàn現zài在kàn看lái來, xī希là臘de的bìng病qíng情bú不dàn但méi沒yǒu有hǎo好
zhuǎn轉, ér而qiě且hái還bǎ把bìng病yuán原tǐ體kuò擴zhǎn展chū出qù去, lìng令dào到
qí其tā他gē哥gē哥, lì例rú如: pú葡táo萄yá牙、 xī西bān班yá牙、 ài 愛ěr爾lán蘭děng等
xiàn現zài在kàn看lái來, xī希là臘de的bìng病qíng情bú不dàn但méi沒yǒu有hǎo好
zhuǎn轉, ér而qiě且hái還bǎ把bìng病yuán原tǐ體kuò擴zhǎn展chū出qù去, lìng令dào到
qí其tā他gē哥gē哥, lì例rú如: xī西bān班yá牙、 pú葡táo萄yá牙、 ài愛ěr爾lán蘭děng等
gē哥gē哥dōu都xiān先hòu後dé得le了bìng病, zhào照mù目qián前qíng情kuàng況kàn看lái
來, fǎ法guó國、 yì意dà大lì利děng等jīng經jì濟dà大guó國, dōu都rǎn染shàng上shāng傷
fēng風、 gǎn感mào冒děng等zhèng症zhuàng狀, ér而qiě且bìng病zhēng徵yuè越lái來yuè越
dá答 àn案shì是: rú如tiān天kōng空yí一yàng樣gāo高。
jiǎ假rú如bǎ把xī希là臘de的zhài債kuǎn款huàn換chéng成xiàn現jīn金, lěi累jī積de的gāo高
2009nián年shí時, xī希là臘guó國zhài債shì是qí其guó國mín民shēng生chǎn產zǒng總zhí值
GDP de的113%。
měi美guó國guó國zhài債shì是qí其guó國mín民shēng生chǎn產zǒng總zhí值GDP de的85%。
2009nián年, xī希là臘wèi為le了yìng應fù付jīn金róng融fēng風bào暴, guó國jiā家tí提
chū出de的cì刺jī激jīng經jì濟cuò措shī施, dǎo導zhì致zhèng政fǔ府fù負dān擔gèng更duō
nà那shí時hòu候, xī希là臘chǔ處zài在rén人kǒu口lǎo老huà化gāo高fēng峰shí時qī期,
kuān寬sōng鬆de的yī醫liáo療zhèng政cè策、 yōu優hòu厚de的tuì退xiū休fú福lì利, guó國
lì例rú如: xī希là臘rén人mín民, 60 suì歲qián前tuì退xiū休, kě可lǐng領qǔ取quán全bù部
xī希là臘zhèng政fǔ府cái財zhèng政jì紀lǜ律bù不hǎo好, 2000 nián年qián前, guó國jiā家
de的chì赤zì字zǒng總 é 額, yǔ與shí實jì際kuī虧sǔn損de的shù數 é 額shǎo少bào報xǔ許
duō多。 hòu後lái來xī希là臘jiā加rù入ōu歐yuán元jīng經jì濟tǐ體xì系, jiè借zhài債de的
chéng成běn本biàn便yí宜, qiàn欠zhài債zǒng總 é 額, yīn因cǐ此měi每nián年bú不duàn斷
lìng另wài外, xī希là臘jīng經jì濟bú不gòu夠duō多yuán元huà化, gāo高dù度yī依lài賴
lǚ旅yóu遊、 mào貿yì易、 yùn運shū輸yè業; jīn金róng融hǎi海xiào嘯lái來lín臨, měi美
yuán元zhuǎn轉ruò弱, ōu歐yuán元zhuǎn轉qiáng強, yán嚴zhòng重dǎ打jī擊lǚ旅yóu遊
yè業。 xī希là臘fù負dān擔de的qiàn欠zhài債zhǐ只yǒu有bú不duàn斷zēng增jiā加。
ōu歐yuán元qū區de的jīng經jì濟, shùn順zhe著mù目qián前de的jǐng景kuàng況zǒu走xià下
qù去, ōu歐yuán元qū區wǎ瓦jiě解de的rì日zi子, yǐ已jīng經pò迫zài在méi眉jié睫。
yǒu有yì一xiē些jīng經jì濟fēn分xī析jiā家shuō說, quán全qiú球de的jīng經jì濟dòng動
lì力, zài在yǐ以hòu後de的rì日zi子lǐ裡, zhù注yì意lì力dōu都jí集zhōng中zài在zhōng中
yīn因wèi為jīn金róng融zāi災nàn難bō波jí及quán全shì世jiè界zhī之hòu後, zhōng中guó國
de的chū出kǒu口mào貿yì易biàn便huì會bēng崩kuì潰, zhōng中guó國jīng經jì濟de的
dòng動lì力, néng能gòu夠xiàng向qián前dòng動qǐ起lái來ma嗎?
nín您shì是fǒu否xiǎng想zhī知dào道, ōu歐yuán元zhài債wù務bào爆pò破hòu後, nà那
xiē些dì地qū區de的jīng經jì濟, huì會dé得dào到shí實jì際de的hǎo好chu處?
( dì第wǔ五zhāng章) zài在ōu歐zhài債wēi危jī機zhōng中: