Individual investors face complex international financial crisis, was forced to sit apart from the present, hope God save, the fact is there are ways to deal with.
Although you have missed out of the market opportunity, in order not to accept the immediate pain: that is, the loss of money before the tears, you are forced into the dilemma of a dead end, cannot move.
Government, banks, major companies in the current environment, can only choose but to wait, it is because the earth has no human beings, capable of handling such a large debt.
Those governments who control the financial power: when should take decisive action, do not know how to handle financial affairs, they are incapable, now you expect them, for you to earn money in the stock market, unless they are living inside the Aladdin's lamp, the Genie?
Because humans can think of to solve the financial crisis, human beings can do things properly handle the debt, have all been put on the desktop.
Global economy in trouble, one important reason: in the past two years, the U.S. government continues to print a lot of money, big business would prefer to leave cash in the bank vault or speculations in commodities, there is no investment in the production line, to create wealth and employment.
Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers triggered a financial crisis, which brought about the terrible experience. In addition, the U.S. government officials to master the financial management, they do not have the experience to deal with financial disaster.
U.S. government officials misinterpreted, as long as a substantial increase in money supply, companies will be used to develop industry and commerce, create jobs and wealth creation.
U.S. Federal Reserve recently announced that the U.S. non-financial corporate cash holdings, more than two trillion U.S. dollars: Such as
1 Apple Computer Inc., has $ 75 billion in cash, they have readily available cash deposits, even more than the U.S. government.
2 Google held cash, $ 39 billion.
Two years ago, these big companies are willing to use cash, to expand the company's size, to strengthen research.
Not only promote economic growth, adding vitality to the economy, it can create long-term prosperity.
Unfortunately, the company has chosen to do nothing, every day, waiting for opportunities, they are actually very irresponsible.
However, the past few years, every industry is mired in economic recession, whether industrial or commercial, is operational difficulties, and poor investment sentiment extreme, therefore, investment decisions, is to be considered clear.
The wisdom of a business expansion, are subject to forecast future market conditions, has nothing to do with today's market conditions, factors to be considered is the market's current situation, coupled with the prospect of the next two years, can remain a competitive advantage.
I dare to believe, from now until October next year, the U.S. stock market will keep falling, the world's stock markets, comparing the current index will fall another 20% -30%.
From now on, taking advantage of the stock rises, sell the stock loss, to recover the cash, put the cash in the bank.
Remember, never had a moment later, returned to the stock market. Remember, wealth is not entered, the lack of patience people. Remember, honestly remember ah.
The fall of 2012, you can re-enter the stock market, prices have fallen by this time, and you will earn a profit. As the dollar or the euro, the fall of next year comes, will be depreciated.
2011 Christmas is coming, I wish you with the feelings of joy, through this year's Christmas.
If you have confidence in my analysis, then, next year you must be able to ride a carnival of Christmas. Do not forget to mail a Christmas card to me. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Santa Claus is coming!
Next Issue:
(Chapter 4):Next Issue:
(Chapter 4):Greece has set foot on the road of bankruptcy, the euro depreciated, just around the corner.
( dì第sān三zhāng章) : cǎi採qǔ取shì適dàng當xíng行dòng動, shì是shàng上
děng等cè策lüè略。 fǒu否zé則, nín您jiāng將huì會hòu後huǐ悔mò莫jí及。
chú除le了mù目qián前bèi被pò迫zuò坐xià下lái來, wàng望shàng上tiān天zhěng拯jiù救
zhī之wài外, qí其shí實shì是yǒu有yìng應duì對bàn辦fǎ法de的。
wèi為le了bù不xiǎng想jiē接shòu受jí即shí時de的tòng痛chǔ楚: nà那jiù就shì是yǎn眼
lèi淚qián前de的jīn金qián錢sǔn損shī失, nín您bèi被pò迫xiàn陷rù入le了jìn進tuì退
wéi維gǔ谷de的sǐ死hú胡tòng同, dòng動tan彈bù不néng能。
zhèng政fǔ府、 yín銀háng行、 gè各dà大qǐ企yè業zài在mù目qián前de的huán環jìng境
xià下, dōu都zhǐ只néng能xuǎn選zé擇děng等dài待, nà那shì是yīn因wèi為dì地qiú球
shàng上, yǐ已jīng經méi沒yǒu有rén人lèi類, néng能chǔ處lǐ理rú如cǐ此páng龐dà大
de的zhài債wù務。 nà那xiē些zài在gè各guó國zhèng政fǔ府zhǎng掌wò握jīn金róng融
quán權lì力de的rén人: dāng當yīng應gāi該cǎi採qǔ取guǒ果duàn斷xíng行dòng動de的
shí時hòu候, bù不dǒng懂dé得chǔ處lǐ理jīn金róng融shì事wù務, tā他men們dōu都
shì是wú無néng能lì力de的rén人, xiàn現zài在nǐ你zhǐ指wàng望tā他men, tì替nín您
zài在gǔ股piào票shì市chǎng場shàng上zhuàn賺huí回jīn金qián錢, chú除fēi非tā他men們
shì是jū居zhù住zài在ā阿lā拉dīng丁shén神dēng燈lǐ裡miàn面de的, dēng燈shén神?
bàn辦fǎ法, rén人lèi類néng能zuò做dào到tuǒ妥shàn善chǔ處lǐ理zhài債wù務de的shì事
qíng情, yǐ已jīng經quán全bù部bǎi擺shàng上zhuō桌miàn面le了。
huán環qiú球jīng經jì濟xiàn陷rù入kùn困jìng境, qí其zhōng中yí一gè個zhòng重yào要
yuán原yīn因: zài在guò過qù去liǎng兩nián年, měi美guó國zhèng政fǔ府bú不duàn斷
yìn印chū出dà大liàng量chāo鈔piào票, dà大qǐ企yè業nìng寧yuàn願bǎ把xiàn現jīn金
méi沒yǒu有tóu投zī資zài在shēng生chǎn產xiàn線shàng上, chuàng創zào造cái財fù富,
léi雷màn曼xiōng兄dì弟pò破chǎn產, yǐn引fā發le了jīn金róng融fēng風bào暴, tā它
dài帶lái來le了rén人men們hěn很kě可pà怕de的jīng經lì歷。 cǐ此wài外, měi美guó國
zhèng政fǔ府zhǎng掌wò握jīn金róng融guǎn管lǐ理quán權de的guān官yuán員, tā他men們
méi沒yǒu有chǔ處lǐ理jīn金róng融zāi災nàn難de的jīng經yàn驗。 měi美guó國zhèng政
fǔ府guān官yuán員cuò錯wù誤lǐ理jiě解, zhǐ只yào要dà大liàng量zēng增jiā加chāo鈔piào票
de的gōng供yìng應, qǐ企yè業jiù就huì會yòng用lái來fā發zhǎn展gōng工yè業hé和shāng商
yè業, chuàng創zào造jiù就yè業, chuàn創zào造cái財fù富。
měi美guó國lián聯chǔ儲jú局zuì最jìn近gōng公bù佈, měi美guó國fēi非jīn金róng融qǐ企
yè業chí持yǒu有de的xiàn現jīn金, chāo超guò過èr二wàn萬yì億měi美yuán元:
1 píng蘋guǒ果diàn電nǎo腦gōng公sī司,yōng擁yǒu有xiàn現jīn金750 yì億měi美yuán元,
2 Google chí持yǒu有de的xiàn現jīn金, yě也yǒu有 390 yì億měi美yuán元。
èr二nián年zhī之qián前, zhè這xiē些dà大gōng公sī司, yuàn願yì意lì利yòng用xiàn現
jīn金, kuò擴chōng充gōng公sī司de的guī規mó模、 jiā加qiáng強kē科yán研。 bú不dàn但
néng能dài帶dòng動jīng經jì濟zēng增zhǎng長, lìng令jīng經jì濟zēng增tiān添huó活lì力,
yě也kě可yǐ以zhì製zào造cháng長qī期fán繁róng榮, kě可xī惜de的shì是,qǐ企yè業què卻
xuǎn選zé擇shén甚me麼yě也bú不zuò做, tiān天tiān天dōu都shì是děng等dài待jī機huì會
lái來lín臨, tā他men們shí實jì際shàng上shì是hěn很bú不fù負zé責rèn任de的。
bú不guò過, zhè這jǐ幾nián年yǐ以lái來, měi每yí一gè個hang 行yè業, dōu都xiàn陷rù入
shè社huì會jīng經jì濟shuāi衰tuì退, bú不lùn論gōng工yè業huò或shāng商yè業, dōu都
jīng經yíng營kùn困nan難, tóu投zī資qì氣fēn氛yòu又chā差dào到jí極diǎn點, yīn因cǐ此,
tóu投zī資de的jué決dìng定, shì是xū須yào要kǎo考lǜ慮qīng清chǔ楚。
yì一jiān間qǐ企yè業kuò擴chōng充míng明zhì智yǔ與fǒu否, shì是huì會shòu受dào到rì日
hòu後shì市chǎng場qíng情kuàng況de的yù預cè測, yǔ與jīn今shí時jīn今rì日de的shì市
kuàng況wú無guān關, gōng公sī司kǎo考lǜ慮de的yīn因sù素shì是shì市chǎng場xiàn現
kuàng況, jiā加shàng上wèi未lái來liǎng兩nián年de的qián前jǐng景, néng能fǒu否yī依
wǒ我gǎn敢yú於xiāng相xìn信, yóu由xiàn現zài在kāi開shǐ始, zhí直dào到míng明nián年
10 yuè月, měi美guó國gǔ股shì市zhǐ只huì會bú不duàn斷xià下diē跌, quán全shì世jiè界
de的gǔ股shì市, bǐ比jiào較xiàn現zài在de的zhǐ指shù數, zài再huī會xià下diē跌
cóng從xiàn現zài在kāi開shǐ始, chèn趁zhe着gǔ股piào票shàng上shēng昇shí時,
mài賣chū出kuī虧sǔn損de的gǔ股piào票, shōu收huí回xiàn現jīn金hòu後, bǎ把xiàn現
jì記zhù住, qiè切wù勿guò過le了bù不duō多jiǔ久, chóng重xīn新fǎn返huí回gǔ股piào票
qǐng請jǐn緊jì記, cái財fù富shì是bú不huì會jìn進rù入, quē缺fá乏nài耐xìng性de的
rén人。 jì記zhù住、 qiè切qiè切jì記de得zhù住a啊。
2011 nián年de的shèng聖dàn誕jié節kuài快dào到le了, yuàn願nín您huái懷zhe着huān歡
xīn欣de的xīn心qíng情, dù渡guò過jīn今nián年de的shèng聖dàn誕jié節。
jiǎ假rú如nín您duì對wǒ我de的fēn分xī析yǒu有xìn信xīn心de的huà話, míng明nián年
hā哈! hā哈! hā哈!