2013年6月28日 星期五

(9)Han Yu pinyin is the golden key to learn Mandarin

When you have learned how to Pinyin, it is considered that you are holding a "golden key" in learning Mandarin.



Some students give me email, she asked me straight to the point, to doctrine Standard Mandarin, was "really difficult" or "difficult"? I tell the truth: that is "no" difficult.


以下是我學習普通話的個人經驗,我願意與同學分享這一段經歷;我曾經在懲教署任職,入職初期,我被派往最多大陸來客的監房工作,我每一天都面對著一群嘰裏咕嚕【jī lǐ gū lū】的人,心裏很不是滋味;有一天,我忽發奇想,我想,我為甚麼不索性去學習說說普通話?

The following is my personal experience in studying Mandarin I am willing to share this experience with the students; I have worked in the Correctional Services Department., the initial entry, I was sent to work in mainland China to Hong Kong up to detained prisoners in jail.

Every day I face a group of people jabbering and rumbling, not too happy; One day, I capricious,

I thought why not simply to learn to talk about Mandarin?




So, I got a loquacious prisoner, to ask him about the domestic situation for students to learn Putonghua. As vast Chinese mainland, across every region has its accent,owing to give students a unified national voice, therefore, the mainland government, from kindergarten started, all using the same set of phonics teaching materials, that is the pinyin; fortunately, I am looking for advice on the object, so in my Putonghua learning process, I did not take much of detours.

我在懲教署的任務,主要是必須在最短6個月到3 6個月內,(青少年犯人的刑期)讓他們考取英國倫敦必文學會的專業証書,由於有六個月的最短期限的制約,我必須儘快讓犯人學會輸入法,於是我引進了「九方輸入法」(只須一星期便能學會使用);


My CSD main task is mainly to be in the shortest 6 months to 36 months, (Young offenders in prison), allow them to obtain a British London Pitman's professional certificate, owing to have  minimum period of six months of the constraints, I must quickly to let inmates successfully learning input method, so I introduced the "Q9 Input Method".



Q9 has a great feature, that is, when the output text, Pinyin appear on panel, the Q9 software, but also while typing, while issuing Mandarin pronunciation function.


At this moment, I must thank Q9 development experts this input method is the cradle of my success to learn pinyin.



Students as soon as possible if you want to learn Chinese pinyin, I recommend you to switch the input method, use Q9.




The following exercises are all about ' bù 'or ' bú ' exercises, please tell " bù " or ' bú after the tone with the word, if you are having difficulty or not just as wanted, I see you are still determined to learn pinyin!


請留意2 52 9題,是()和()的綜合練習。

Please note that 25-29 questions, are () and () integrated exercises.


複習(3 0):Review3 0:
Let us continue to practice:
1 .不好( hǎo
2 .不對( duì
3 .不要(yào
Must not
4 .不做( zuò
lie about
5 .不想( xiǎng
feel disinclined for
6 .不必(
7 .不安( ān
to feel sorry
8 .不樂意( lè yì
Not willing to do
9 .不高興( gāo xìng
1 0 .不成器(chéng qì
Not become useful people
1 1 .不像話(xiàng huà
1 2 .不相干( xiāng gān
to be irrelevant
1 3 .不聲不響( shēng xiǎng
to keep one's peace
1 4 .不倫不類( lúnlèi
1 5 .不偏不倚( piān bù yǐ
dispassionate fairness
1 6 .不三不四( sān
1 7 .不屈不撓( qū bù náo
1 8 .不知不覺( zhī jué
1 9 .不能不去( néng
Must depart
2 0 .不可勝數( kě shèng shǔ
More to the innumerable
2 1 .是不是(shì shì
Yes or no
2 2 .懂不懂(dǒng dǒng
Understand it or not
2 3要不要緊(yào yào jǐn
It is important, or it does not matter
2 4 .滿不滿意(mǎn mǎn yì
Satisfied or dissatisfied
2 5 .她從來都不會一心一意地做好每一件事情的。
tā cóng lái dōu huì xīnyì de zuò hǎo měi jiàn shì qíng de。)
She never wholeheartedly to do every thing.
2 6 .我想問一問,如果我買一百一十一個萍果的話,價錢是不是會有所不同呢?
wǒ xiǎng wèn wènrú guǒ wǒ mǎi bǎi shí gè píng guǒ de huàjià qián shì shì huì yǒu suǒ tóng ne?)
I would like to ask, if I buy one hundred eleven apples, then the price will be different is not it?
2 7 .她一聲不響地把書桌收拾乾淨了。
shēng xiǎng de bǎ shū zhuō shōu shi gān jìng le。)
She quietly cleaned up the desk.
2 8 .裁判應該保持不偏不倚的態度,就不怕會有不公平的事情發生。
cái pàn yīng gāi bǎo chí piānyǐ de tài dujiù pà huì yǒu gōng píng de shì qíng fā shēng。)
The referee should remain impartial manner there will be not afraid of unfair things happen.
2 9 .一旦把這件事情做好,我們就可以一勞永逸,你信不信?
dàn bǎ zhè jiàn shì qíng zuò hǎowǒ men jiù kě yǐ láo yǒng yìnǐ xìn xìn ?)
Once you do this thing, we can once and for all, you believe it?


Mentioned above is the author's personal experience of learning pinyin, this is a successful learning experience, students, friends, I wish you to reference. Bye.



Dear students, friends, "Learning without front and rear, reached by first". Let us handle this one ancient philosophy statement, of mutual encouragement!


我的「漢語拼音」教學影片將會在20137月下旬在You Tube 出現,到時請前往:

My "Pinyin" instructional videos will end in July 2013 appeared in You Tube, when go to:

