(Chapter 2)Investment loss, cannot let all the way to increase the loss.
From 2011 global stock market volatility since August, has been down 20% in this period, the steps that you deal with, is that correct?
If you are an investor, it should take the time to response strategies.
Stock market volatility, the conventional wisdom always in our minds says:
1 Do not act rashly.
2 Remain the same approach, to cope with the changing situation.
3 Before decided to take action; it is better wait and sees.
There are many people in the current financial crisis, investment strategy is always to take an "ostrich policy ".Only know how to bury in the sand.
In the last two months, the stock market continuing to decline, the negative news coming out constantly, daily newspapers, radio and television have a detailed analysis of the global economic environment, they believe that the situation is not good prospects for the stock market, most investors, cannot be unaware of the crisis.
But why they still choose to wait and see?
Are you still on most of the "ostrich" in the part?
Until today, you still did not leave the stock market, let me tell you bluntly: You are waiting in the subconscious; you are aimlessly waiting for something to happen before taking action,
You expect the money invested into the stock market, one day, and finally one day, back home.
Here I am not an alarmist.
First you ask yourself, do you think the current problems in international financial markets "money fraud games" Will keep it running, but the scene is more frightening than the other screen?
1 Europe's debt difficulties,
Is there a complete solution?
2 U.S. Treasury bonds, now constantly progressive rise,
How long to wait days to re-balance?
If your answer is positive, then your investment is to have the opportunity to safely return to your pocket.
If your answer is uncertain, then you have to take a look at my following analysis.
In our daily life, when faced with the problem cannot be resolved, we would choose to wait, but the frustration of waiting, often make the problem worse, because to do so, people just push the problem back, until one day, reaching cannot pick up the point.
However, why people choose to wait?
Because the wait is equal to the delay problem later, you can reduce the pain of facing reality.
As we all know, the wait will meet more difficult circumstances, why most investors are still waiting for the dawn?
You wait and see! Governments also delay the processing of problems, why the governments, can only delay the processing of hot problem? Because ???
(Chapter 3):Take appropriate action, is superior strategy.
Otherwise, you will regret.
( dì第èr二zhāng章) tóu投zī資kuī虧běn本le了, bù不néng能ràng讓sǔn損shī失yí一lù路
huán環qiú球gǔ股shì市cóng從2011nián年8yuè月qǐ起dà大fú幅bō波dòng動, zhì至jīn今
yǐ已xià下diē跌le了20%, zài在zhè這yí一duàn段qī期jiān間, nín您yìng應fù付de的
bù步zhòu驟, shì是zhèng正què確ma嗎?
jiǎ假rú如nín您shì是yì一míng名tóu投zī資zhě者, zhè這shì是yīng應gāi該cǎi採qǔ取
gǔ股shì市de的dà大fú幅bō波dòng動, chuán傳tǒng統zhì智huì慧zǒng總zài在wǒ我
1「 bú不yào要suí隨biàn便qīng輕jǔ舉wàng妄dòng動」
2 wéi維chí持bú不biàn變de的bàn辦fǎ法, yìng應fù付bú不duàn斷biàn變huà化de的jú局
3 cǎi採qǔ取xíng行dòng動zhī之qián前, bù不rú如jìng靜guān觀qí其biàn變
yǒu有hěn很duō多rén人zài在mù目qián前de的jīn金róng融wēi危jī機zhōng中, tóu投zī資
de的cè策lüè略zǒng總shì是cǎi採qǔ取「 tuó駝niǎo鳥zhèng政cè策」 。
zài在zuì最jìn近zhè這liǎng兩gè個yuè月lǐ裏, gǔ股shì市bú不duàn斷xià下diē跌, fù負
miàn面de的xiāo消xī息bú不duàn斷chuán傳chū出lái來, měi每tiān天bào報zhāng章、 diàn電
tái台、 diàn電shì視dōu都xiáng詳xì細fēn分xī析huán環qiú球jīng經jì濟huán環jìng境, tā他
men們dōu都rèn認wéi為, gǔ股shì市qián前jǐng景xíng形shì勢bú不miào妙, dà大bù部fèn份
de的tóu投zī資zhě者, bù不kě可néng能méi沒yǒu有yì意shí識dào到wēi危jī機。
dàn但shì是, wèi為shén甚me麼tā他men們hái還shì是xuǎn選zé擇zài在guān觀wàng望
nín您shì是fǒu否hái還shì是zhàn站zài在dà大duō多shù數de的「 tuó駝niǎo」 zhōng中de的
zhí直dào到jīn今shí時jīn今rì日, nín您hái還shì是méi沒yǒu有lí離kāi開gǔ股piào票
shì市chǎng場, ràng讓wǒ我bú不kè客qì氣de的gào告sù訴nín您:
nǐ你zài在qián潛yì意shí識zhōng中shì是zài在děng等dài待, nǐ你zhèng正zài在màn漫wú無
mù目dì的de地děng等dài待yì一xiē些shì事qíng情fā發shēng生hòu後, cái才cǎi採qǔ取
xíng行dòng動, nín您shē奢wàng望tóu投zī資jìn進rù入gǔ股piào票shì市chǎng場de的jīn金
qián錢, zhōng終yǒu有yì一tiān天, zhōng終huì會yǒu有yì一tiān天, huí回dào到jiā家lǐ裏。
shǒu首xiān先nín您wèn問yí一wèn問zì自jǐ己, nǐ你rèn認wéi為mù目qián前kùn困rǎo擾
guó國jì際jīn金róng融shì市chǎng場de的「 jīn金qián錢qī欺zhà詐yóu遊xì戲」 , shì是
fǒu否huì會bú不duàn斷yǎn演xià下qù去, ér而qiě且yí一mù幕bǐ比lìng另yí一mù幕gèng更
1 ōu歐zhōu洲gè各guó國de的zhài債wù務nán難guān關, jiū究jìng竟yǒu有méi沒yǒu 有
2 měi美guó國guó國zhài債, mù目qián前bú不duàn斷lěi累jìn進shàng上shēng升hòu後,
yào要děng等dài待duō多cháng長rì日zi子, cái才néng能chóng重xīn新dá達dào到píng平héng
jiǎ假rú如nín您de的dá答àn案shì是lè樂guān觀de的huà話, nà那me麼nín您de的tóu投
jiǎ假rú如nín您de的dá答àn案shì是bú不què確dìng定de的huà話, nà那me麼, nín您biàn便
yào要kàn看yí一kàn看, wǒ我yǐ以xià下de的fēn分xī析。
gè各guó國zhèng政fǔ府yě也zài在tuō拖yán延chǔ處lǐ理nán難tí題, wèi為shén甚me麼gè各
guó國zhèng政fǔ府, dōu都zhǐ只néng能tuō拖yán延chǔ處lǐ理jí棘shǒu手de的nán難tí題?
jì既rán然dà大jiā家zhī知dào道, děng等dài待huì會yù遇jiàn見gèng更duō多de的kùn困
nan難jìng境kuàng況, wèi為shén甚me麼dà大bù部fèn份tóu投zī資zhě者hái還zài在děng等
wǒ我men們rì日cháng常zài在shēng生huó活shàng上, dāng當yù遇dào到jiě解jué決bù不
liǎo了de的nán難tí題, dū都huì會xuǎn選zé擇děng等dài待, dàn但shì是zhè這zhǒng種
wú無nài奈de的děng等dài待, wǎng往wǎng往huì會shǐ使wèn問tí題è惡huà化, yīn因wèi為
zhè這yàng樣zuò做de的huà話, rén人men們zhǐ只shì是bǎ把nán難tí題wǎng往hòu後tuī推,
zhí直dào到yǒu有yì一tiān天, dá達dào到le了wú無fǎ法shōu收shi拾de的dì地bù步。
dàn但shì是, rén人men們wèi為shén甚me麼xuǎn選zé擇děng等dài待? yīn因wèi為děng等
dài, děng等yú於bǎ把nán難tí題wǎng往hòu後tuī推yán延, kě可yǐ以jiǎn減qīng輕miàn面
( dì第sān三zhāng章) : cǎi採qǔ取shì適dàng當xíng行dòng動,shì是shàng上děng等
cè策lüè略。 fǒu否zé則, nín您jiāng將huì會hòu後huǐ悔mò莫jí及。