2013年6月25日 星期二

(4)Han Yu pinyin is the golden key to learn Mandarin

When you have learned how to Pinyin, it is considered that you are holding a "golden key" in learning Mandarin.



Tongue twisters are used in Chinese oral practice. Chinese people are usually used to test pronunciation skills.



Here's an exercise that you do to try:

Please use Mandarin fluently read out, try to do it alright?


Suzhou, a teacher love reading,
sū zhōu yǒu gè lǎo shī ài dú shū
Desk there was mice love to eat cakes,
shū zhuō yǒu zhī lǎo shǔ ài chī sū
Teacher reading,
lǎo shī dú shū
Rats ate cakes,
lǎo shǔ chī sū
Mice like to eat crisp when teacher was studying on the desk,
lǎo shǔ lǎo shì zài lǎo shī dú shū shí chī sū
The teacher cannot read the book,
lǎo shī dú bú xià shū
Mice eat cakes.
lǎo shǔ chī bǎo le sū
Keyword1 a teacher 2 a mouse
3 Suzhou 4 to study 5 Eating cakes
6 a (writing) desk
1 lǎo shī 2 lǎo shǔ
3 sū zhōu
4 dú shū 5 chī sū
6 shū zhuō
1 0小樹、1 1結束、
1 2敘述、1 3心術、
1 4寬恕、1 5別墅、
1 6告訴、1 7樸素、
1 8迅速、1 9雕塑
Keyword1 to forfeit2 Poetry
3 little Lion 4 wet
5 thermometric 6 numerate
7 ipomoea 8 tactics 9 Combs
1 0 Trees 1 1 to terminate
1 2 to narrate
1 3 a person's intentions
1 4 to forgive 1 5 a villa
1 6 to tell 1 7 simple
1 8 rapid 1 9 a sculpture
1 sàng shī 2 xiě shī
3 xiǎo shī 4 zhān shī
5 hán shǔ 6 shù shù
7 fān shǔ 8 zhàn shù
9 fà shū 1 0 xiǎo shù
1 1 jié shù 1 2 xù shù
1 3 xīn shù 1 4 kuān shù 1 5 bié shù 1 6 gào sù
1 7 pǔ sù 1 8 xùn sù
1 9 diāo sù


Do you think for you to study Mandarin pinyin learning is certainly to brook no delay?


4Mandarin with easy to misread words:
1 .妃嬪
fēi pín
concubines or wives of a king or an emperor
2 .聘請
pìn qǐng
to employ
3 .憑據
píng jù
4 .偏頗
piān pō
5 .山坡
shān pō
a mountain slope
6 .潑冷水
pō lěng shuǐ
to dampen the enthusiasm of
7 .叵測
pǒ cè
8 .迫害
pò hài
to oppress cruelly
9 .魄力
pò lì
daring and resolution
1 0 .解剖
jiě pōu
to dissect
1 1 .撲救
pū jiù
to put out a fire to save life and property
1 2 .僕人
pú rén
a servant
1 3 .樸實
pǔ shí
sincere and honest
1 4 .瀑布
pù bù
a waterfall
1 5 .抹布
mā bù
a piece of cloth or rag to wipe with
1 6 .抹黑
mǒ hēi
to blacken somebody's name
1 7 .陰霾
yīn mái
1 8 .埋葬
mái zàng
to bury
1 9 .麥穗
mài suì
a wheatear
2 0 .脈搏
mài bó
the pulse
2 1 .茂密
mào mì
(of grass, trees, etc.) dense
2 2 .玳瑁
dài mào
a tortoise-shell turtle
2 3 .濛濛
méng méng
2 4 .靡費
mí fèi
to spend extravagantly
2 5 .彌補
mí bǔ
to make up for
2 6 .瀰漫
mí màn
to be present all over
2 7 .藐視
miǎo shì
to look down upon
2 8 .風靡
fēng mí
to became a fad or vogue
2 9 .蔑視
miè shì
to show contempt for
3 0 .荒謬
huāng miù
3 1 .模底
mó dǐ
3 2 .磨練
mó liàn
to steel oneself
3 3 .摩擦
mó cā
to rub against
3 4 .摩鬼
mó guǐ
Mount ghost
3 5 .摹仿
mó fǎng
3 6 .抹殺
mǒ shā
to write off or blot out (someone's achievement or contribution)
3 7 .墨水兒
mò shuǐ ér
3 8 .脈脈
mò mò
3 9 .沒落
mò luò
to be on the downgrade
4 0 .牟利
móu lì
to seek profit


我的「漢語拼音」教學影片將會在20137月下旬在You Tube 出現,到時請前往:

My "Pinyin" instructional videos will end in July 2013 appeared in You Tube, when go to:

